Thursday, December 27, 2018

Vacant lot in West Baltimore being transformed into urban garden

“An urban garden that will yield colorful plants to make dye for artists and educators is being planned for a vacant lot in West Baltimore.

The half-acre garden will be located in the Rosemont community as part of a nearly 6-acre parcel in the 800 block of Ashburton Street. The property is owned by Coppin State University and will be a part of a pilot urban farming project by the nonprofit Parks and People Foundation and a group of partners.

The program aims to produce a rainbow of vegetables and flora for natural dyes from Black-eyed Susans, marigolds, onions, indigo and beets with assistance and support from the Coppin Heights community.

“It will be transformative for the surrounding community in such a creative way,” said Lisa Millspaugh Schroeder, CEO of Parks and People.”


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