Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ikea wants to help you farm in your house

Ikea doesn’t just want to sell you furniture–it also wants to sell you on sustainable living. And how best to live sustainably than to grow your own food?

That’s the idea behind a new line of products the Swedish company is developing with British industrial designer Tom Dixon. Due to be announced in May 2019 and released in Ikea stores in 2021, the products will be focused on making it easier for people to farm in an urban environment.

“For Ikea, this collaboration is about challenging the way society looks at growing in general and addressing that it’s both possible and rewarding to have a place to grow your own plants in the city,” James Futcher, creative leader at Ikea Range and Supply, said in a statement. “Food is key to humanity and design can support with better solutions.”


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