Wednesday, December 26, 2018

TomatoFest Announces Release of “Anthony Bourdain Tomato” Seeds

TomatoFest announces the release of “Anthony Bourdain Tomato” seeds.

“Anthony Bourdain was an American celebrity chef, author, and television personality who explored the cuisines, culture, joys and essentials of human existence around the world. He was an icon to me, and many others, who love food and cooking as a most enjoyable way of gathering people together to celebrate our humanity.

“We wanted to pay tribute to Anthony Bourdain’s life by honoring his legacy with naming a tomato after him, a tomato heretofore unknown, that we have identified as particularly outstanding for its excellent flavors and beautiful, heart-shaped appearance, the ‘Anthony Bourdain Tomato’.

“We found it suitable that ‘the world’s most popular fruit’, a tomato, would carry Tony’s name and story through future generations in a way that would enrich the lives of many.”


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