Sunday, December 16, 2018

How gardening can heal the land — and you

Maybe you think of your garden as a place to escape from work or other stresses. Or perhaps you see it as a special place where you can feel close to nature. But have you ever thought of it as a sanctuary? As a sacred space?

If you haven’t taken this leap of faith but are intrigued by the idea, then take the time to read “Creating Sanctuary: Sacred Garden Spaces, Plant-based Medicine, Daily Practices to Achieve Happiness and Well-Being”by Jessi Bloom (Timber Press, November 2018). The book serves as a guide to rejuvenating bodies, minds and spirits not in some faraway tropical resort but through plants and practices in your own backyard.

Bloom would know how to do this. An award-winning ecological landscape designer, professional horticulturalist, ISA-certified arborist and owner of NW Ecological Services in Woodinville, Washington, she wrote the book not just from a professional background but from personal experiences as well.


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