Monday, October 30, 2017

The future of farming may be below the soil


“Think of urban farming and the images that may come to mind are community garden, vertical greenhouse or even a rooftop garden.

The farm Steven Dring operates in south London isn’t like that. In fact, it’s not even visible from street level. The operation is situated in an air raid shelter 100 feet underground that has been left vacant since World War II.

Dring, his co-founder, Richard Ballard, and a team of a dozen people grow lettuce and microgreens hydroponically, year-round, in the shelter, which includes two tunnels. The produce is then sold to restaurants and stores around London.

“It does seem completely counterintuive to build a farm underneath the soil, but it’s actually one of the best environments to do it,” Dring said.”

Read the rest of the article at: “

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