Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea: Yummy Drink Packed with Healthy Benefits

How have I never thought to put these ingredients together before?  I can’t take full credit for this combination.  My husband and I went out to breakfast one weekend at FirstWatch and this iced tea was on their seasonal menu.  It inspired me to make a Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea for myself at home.

Ginger’s Benefits

Ginger is an amazing ingredient.  Some people love it and others hate it.  I am definitely in the “love it” group.  Ginger supports a healthy inflammatory process, which can be helpful for pain or digestive issues.  Digestive problems often have an inflammation component so adding herbs like ginger can be one way to support a healthy gut.

I like to think of ginger as nature’s Tylenol or Advil.  These over-the-counter medications are not ideal for long-term or regular use because they can contribute to damaging the gut lining and can even cause stomach ulcers.  Ginger is a great natural alternative.

The benefits don’t stop there: carrot juice not only gives this Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea a beautiful color (perfect for fall!), it also boosts the nutritional content.  Carrots are loaded with vitamin A, which helps with skin health, bone growth, immune support, and vision.  Tip: use the leftover carrot pulp to make these Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies.

Of course this tea would be amazing any time of year, but I picture this being the perfect drink to have as summer transitions to fall.  It isn’t too cold yet for iced tea, but fall flavors are just around the corner. Enjoy Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea!

Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea
Prep time
15 mins
Total time
15 mins
Author: Sara
Serves: 4
  • 4 cups hot water
  • 4 organic chai tea bags
  • 1 cup carrot juice, about 4-5 carrots
  • 1-2 inch piece fresh ginger root
  • Ice
  1. Steep the chai tea bags in the hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Allow the tea to cool.
  3. Run the carrots and ginger through your juicer.
  4. Strain the juice if your juicer leaves some pulp.
  5. Add the carrot and ginger juice to the chai tea and mix.
  6. Store in the fridge before ready to drink and serve over ice.
  7. Keeps in the fridge for up to 3 days.


The post Carrot Ginger Chai Iced Tea: Yummy Drink Packed with Healthy Benefits appeared first on The Organic Dietitian.

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