Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How Urine Can Replace Synthetic Fertilizer


“The nitrogen used in commercial fertilizers is synthesized in a process fueled by natural gas, a fossil fuel, which now is increasingly derived using the controversial practice of fracking.

The phosphorus comes from the mined rock phosphate, a non-renewable resource. High-quality reserves are gradually and steadily being depleted. Rich Earth says along with “peak oil,” we’re now entering a period of “peak phosphorus.”

The potash that’s being mined for potassium is also a non-renewable, depleting resource.

So why not do what humans and other animals have done for millions of years — recycle the nutrients from our waste back into the soil? Not only does the practice replenish the soil, it keeps the nutrients out of waterways, where they don’t belong.

Urine typically passes through wastewater treatment plants into rivers, lakes, and bays. In the aquatic environment, excess nutrients (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus) can cause destructive algae blooms that eliminate oxygen from the water.”


Read the FULL STORY at: “

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