Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Body Unburdened’s Nourishing Honey Face Wash

Nontoxic skincare couldn’t be any easier with this Nourishing Honey Face Wash.

One awesome perk to having an online business is all of the amazing people that you get to meet.  Recently I became friends with Nadia, the amazing woman behind Body Unburdened.  I’ve followed her blog for years, but only recently have we connected over the phone.  I hope one day we can meet in person!  I’m in awe of what she has  accomplished and the illuminating information that she has put out into the world to help people unburden their bodies (get it, the name of her blog).  She recently did something that I hope to achieve one day: she wrote and published a book.

I had the honor of receiving a copy of Nadia’s book and I must tell you that it is packed full of easy-to-understand nutrition and wellness tips, as well as recipes all directed at healthier skin (including this Nourishing Honey Face Wash).  Coming from someone that dealt with a lot of acne in her life, I wish I had this resource years ago.  If only I could go back in time and give a copy to my teenage self!  I would have been able to help my skin using natural alternatives instead of trying every lotion and potion I could find (spoiler alert: none of them worked).  I even used birth control pills to help clear up my skin – something I would never recommend to anyone.  Instead, get Glow: The Nutritional Approach to Naturally Gorgeous Skin and find out how to support the health of your biggest organ with nutrition and homemade skincare.

It always amazes me how some of the ingredients that you have in your pantry can also make great food for your skin.  I love raw honey for skin because of its antibacterial properties.  Since you not only have bacteria in your body, but also on your body, it is critical that you keep all the bugs happy, healthy, and in good balance.  In fact, that is one reason I use kombucha in my homemade face mask.

When I saw Nadia’s recipe for Nourishing Honey Face Wash I knew I had to make it and share it with you.  All you need is four simple (and natural) ingredients.

Body Unburdened's Nourishing Honey Face Wash
Prep time
5 mins
Total time
5 mins
Easy homemade skin care from Body Unburdened's new book Glow: The Nutritional Approach to Naturally Gorgeous Skin.
Author: Sara
Serves: 8 ounces
  1. In a bottle, combine all the ingredients and shake vigorously to blend. Gently rub a coin-size amount into wet skin.
The ingredients may separate over time, so be sure to give the bottle a little shake every once in a while!


The post Body Unburdened’s Nourishing Honey Face Wash appeared first on The Organic Dietitian.

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