Monday, July 17, 2017

Couple Spends 20 Years Building A Self-Sustaining, Floating Island To Live Off The Grid

Ever wish you could just get away from it all? Meet Catherine King and Wayne Adams, who did just that. Literally. They’ve been living on a homemade, self-sufficient, floating island for the past 24 years.

“The home, which they’ve named “Freedom Cove,” consists of 12 floating platforms that include a dance floor, an art gallery, a guest lighthouse, a studio for Adams and King, and 5 greenhouses. The settlement has half an acre of land for growing edible crops. The couple gets water from a nearby waterfall during the summer and from rainwater during the winter. The settlement had been powered by an array of 14 solar panels, but recently switched to a generator after these broke down.

When they aren’t working on their sustainable lifestyle, they still manage to keep busy; during the summer, visitors come from nearby Tofino to experience the family’s sustainable lifestyle. Adams is also a carver, while King is a painter, dancer, writer, and musician.”

Read more about their story and see a photo gallery, here: “

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