Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tips for Wild Foraging Along Roadsides

“Hey everyone! I am cycling across the United States right now and I just had to share this incredible tip with you that has given me so many beautiful days. And that is how to find a ripe berry tree. So, the thing is, you don’t look up. You look down! On the road, you’ll see dropped berries. Dropped berries mean the tree is ripe! So you see that as you’re biking or as you’re walking, and then you head to the tree. And sure enough, here you’ve got a white mulberry tree that’s just full of berries. And then you just go to town. And from this one tree alone, you can fill your entire stomach with berries. Completely free. And the thing is, I could just sit here for an hour and not even make a dent! And the thing is, when you see them like that, on the ground, you know they were going to waste. So you know you’re not taking someone’s berries. So this right here is the good life. I invite you to share this with your friends, get outside, and do some wild foraging.”

“Rob Greenfield is an adventurer, activist, and humanitarian for a sustainable and just world. He donates 100% of his media income to grassroots nonprofits. His YouTube channel is a source for all things sustainable living, off the grid, simple living, zero waste, tiny house, grow your own food, cycling, and green.”

Watch MORE videos from Rob Greenfield here!

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