Saturday, May 27, 2017

Growing Up in the Garden Blended Education and Play

“I can say I have now been gardening for almost 50 years. I don’t really remember when I started. But I also don’t remember ever not gardening. All our summer days were spent outside in the yard. And those days were full of fun, hard work, lessons and lectures. The garden was our playground. It was also our classroom.

We spent days and days looking at the many shapes and colors of the flowers and the leaves. Mom directed my nose to dianthus, lilacs, lilies and the vine of sweet autumn clematis that each year took over the yew hedge by the garage. We enjoyed the sweet fragrances together, and I learned to tell the season by the flowers in bloom. Then she let me experience the spice of many herbs, the dusty fragrance of marigolds, the rubbery smell of bruised jimson weed and the acid stink of ailanthus. It turns out smell is a great way to distinguish many weeds.”

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