Monday, February 20, 2017

Is this spherical vertical garden the future of urban farming?

“Space10 wants to change the way we look at what’s on our plates now in preparation for what will potentially appear on our plates in the years to come as the global population increases, the threat of climate change worsens and the old, tried and true methods of food production are rendered unsustainable. And just a heads up: The future of food, as Space10 sees it, will involve homegrown micro-greens and deep-fried cricket bites.”


“Last fall, Space10, in collaboration with architects Sine Lindholm and Mads-Ulrick Husum, unveiled Growroom, an art installation-cum-urban farming solution that somewhat resembles an alien space pod that’s been merrily dragged through a veggie patch a couple dozen times. Bursting with fresh herbs and veggies, the Growroom is indeed a room — or more of a partially enclosed chill-out lounge/greenhouse hybrid of sorts, an oversized planter that pulls double duty as a public pavilion large enough to comfortably accommodate a small crowd.”

Read the full article at: “

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